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1. New Terraform – new module has been built from scratch, with new programming technology. User interface is also new and similar to other modules. New Terraform supports dynamic behavior, and is faster and easier to design digital terrain models. It is possible to have arbitrary number of surfaces in the drawing and use it while working with other program modules (Sewage, Water, Geodesy, Assembly schemes). Surfaces created with older Terraform versions (Series 6, Urbano 7 and Urbano 8) could be used as well, or converted to new surface.
2. System summary – new function shows the list of all systems in the drawing. It is possible to see the color of system sections, number of all types of elements, total system length, system type, turn on or off some system or more systems at once. It is very useful when there are a lot of systems in the drawing representing various infrastructure networks – telephone, electricity, gas pipelines, water supply networks, sewage systems….
3. Interactive topology editor – this function allows interactive editing of topology nodes and sections. Enclosing mouse cursor to certain element, command buttons will appear. By clicking on the button, it will be possible to change element name, move the element, label it, change system type, erase the element or similar.
4. Drawing sections by specified angle. While drawing system elements, it is possible to turn on the option “Use compass” in the main dialog for system drawing. The user can set more arbitrary angles. The angle is relative – regarding previous section. When this option is on, it will be possible to draw elements only according those angles.
5. Draw auxiliary elements in longitudinal sections. New option is available – drawing elevation marks in longitudinal sections, on the chosen station and height.
6. Drawing house connections. It is possible to draw house connections in three ways – interactively in the drawing, by converting CAD elements or automatically, with constant distance along the main collector. It is possible to set all parameters at once – pipe diameters, manholes, terrain and invert heights (it is possible to use terrain surfaces from Terraform or C3D), choose options to determine invert heights and slopes, labeling elements with various labels, assigning user data to certain connections.
It is also possible to draw house connections without choosing any of those options – only geometry.
7. Edit house connections. It is possible to edit existing house connections – select them one by one or by certain criteria (more connections, all connections connected to the branch…), change terrain and invert heights, slopes, pipe diameters, labels…. It is also possible to check the data in the preview table inside the dialog. Default preview configuration will always be available, but it is possible to choose some of the preview configurations created in the active system, as well. Current preview can be generated as Excel report about house connections.
8. 3D Face surface. If there are 3D face elements (triangles with elevations in points) in the drawing, it is possible to define 3D Face surface and use it to determine terrain elevations of the system. To use this function it is not necessary to have Terraform module, but it is necessary to keep 3D face elements in the drawing. Otherwise, it will not be possible to use the surface any more.
9. Fast command. New command group contains six most used Urbano commands – erase elements, move, delete or redraw longitudinal section, move node and draw level line in longitudinal section.
10. Convert system elements to subsystem elements and vice versa. Usually system represents main channels, while subsystem represents house connections and sink holes. It helps the user to distinct and select elements. If the user makes mistake and draws wrong system type, it is possible do change it.
11. Section edit and review. It is possible to set and check all section parameters in one single dialog – terrain and invert heights, slope, pipe diameter, trench and manholes in starting and ending node. It is possible to select more sections (array, from node to node…) and set parameters for one section, than go to the next section from the selection.
12. Invisible nodes. It is possible to set node as “invisible”. In Urbano, every section has been defined with starting and ending node. In some cases, pipes have the point with direction change that doesn’t represent node (it can be some assembly element, connection, bended pipe...). It is very common in water supply systems. Those nodes can be set as “invisible” – two sections connected with the invisible node will be represented as one in longitudinal section, along with all the corresponding data in longitudinal sections columns.
13. Copy nearest data. This function allows conversion of CAD texts and block attributes that belong to Urbano elements, to Urbano data. New options were introduced – it is possible to choose size and shape of the buffer zone around Urbano element where the program will search for CAD objects. If those objects were blocks with the attributes, it is possible to choose whether the program should take care of the block insertion point, or the position of the attribute text.
14. Bind data with pipes/manholes. Older projects made in pure CAD elements. To be able to use Urbano advanced functions, it is necessary to convert plain system elements (sections and nodes) to Urbano topology. Since older projects usually have labels made with text or attribute blocks, it is also necessary to convert those data to Urbano data. Those labels can contain information about pipe material, pipe diameter, manholes… Since those data can be stored in many different ways, it is not possible to maintain unique rule for conversion. However, it is necessary to select proper Urbano pipes/manholes that correspond to that source data.
The most useful way to do it is to convert those data to Urbano user data. After that, it is possible to bind this data with certain Urbano pipes/manholes from the catalog, using this new function.
Example: one pipe has label DN300 PEHD, another one has label DN500 PEHD. Converting this data to Urbano user data, we will be able to connect those data with corresponding pipe diameters from the catalog, and the program will assign those pipes from the catalog to Urbano sections.
15. 3D system view. If system elements have invert heights, it is possible to draw them in 3D. If there are also terrain heights, pipes and manholes, the program will draw it in 3D as well. It is possible to choose whether to draw 3D polylines or 3D solid objects.
16. Special structures edit and review. Special structures refer to manholes with irregular shape, built in place. To assign special structure to the system node, it is necessary to draw CAD polyline, select it and assign it. It is possible to set some additional parameters for special structure and show it in longitudinal section as well.
17. Node type – special structure wall. When assign special structure to the node, the program will insert new node on the place where special structure wall intersects the section. New node will be set as type “special structure wall”. This way it is possible to show the intersection point in the longitudinal section.
18. Catalogs. Moving catalog element from one catalog group to another has been enabled. To do it, it is enough to select the element and drag it to another group. The option is very useful when the user wants to create new catalog group with elements very similar to existing. It is convenient to copy existing element, change certain parameter (i.e. pipe wall thickness) and drag it to the new group.